General, Rivers

The #TeamSeas Campaign Has Successfully Concluded

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We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of the #TeamSeas campaign, a monumental effort in partnership with YouTubers Mark Rober and MrBeast. This initiative aimed to remove 30 million pounds of trash from our oceans, rivers, and beaches. Thanks to the incredible support and generosity of people around the world, we not only met but exceeded our target, removing over 34 million pounds of waste, together with Ocean Conservancy.

From October 2021 to July 2024, the funds raised through #TeamSeas have helped The Ocean Cleanup and Ocean Conservancy clean up plastic in rivers, oceans and on beaches. The funds were split equally between the two organizations. For every pound of trash that we extracted and verified from all our river projects, we unlocked $1 of donation. The funds received have then been allocated towards plastic interception in the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Jamaica, and Malaysia. Learn more about the collaboration here.

Mark Rober and MrBeast share a recap of the #TeamSeas campaign

The success of #TeamSeas is a testament to the power of collective action. Volunteers, donors, and advocates from all walks of life came together to support this cause, demonstrating that when we unite for a common goal, we can achieve remarkable results. More than 600,000 people donated to the fundraiser. The awareness and engagement generated through this campaign have also helped educate people on the impact of plastic pollution and why it is important to keep our oceans clean.

As we celebrate this achievement, we remain committed to our mission of ridding the world’s oceans of plastic. Thank you to everyone who participated and supported this campaign. Together, we have made great progress in many locations around the world but there is still more to do.

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