Foundation name: American Friends of The Ocean Cleanup, Foundation*
EIN: 81-5132355

The Foundation is a public charity, exempt from income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3).

American Friends of The Ocean Cleanup, Foundation
228 East 45th Street, Suite 9E, New York, NY 10017
Check donations: P.O. Box 10412, Pasadena CA 91189-0412

Visit the Contact page to get in touch via e-mail

*Previously named The Ocean Cleanup North Pacific Foundation. The name changed as of December 2022. 

The Foundation supports initiatives to rid the oceans and waterways of plastic


Ridding the oceans of plastic

The purpose of American Friends of The Ocean Cleanup is to preserve and protect the natural ocean environment for the benefit of the public. This includes promoting and supporting the efficient and environmentally-friendly extraction of waste from oceans, seas, and other waste areas. It also includes promoting, supporting, and performing the environmentally-friendly recycling of such waste. The American Friends of The Ocean Cleanup raises funds in the US to support its missions.

The Foundation works closely with Stichting The Ocean Cleanup, a foundation based in The Netherlands, to realize the mission of ridding the world’s oceans of plastic. The Foundation grants the raised funds to activities aligned with its mission based on grant agreements. The Foundation may also solicit funds for and provide grants to certain Stichting The Ocean Cleanup projects and activities. It is always to the discretion of the Board to determine if and how much funds will be granted.

The Foundation has supported projects such as the Interceptor project for Kingston Harbor in Jamaica, the Interceptor 004 in Dominican Republic, research equipment for tracking plastic in rivers as well as some of the expenses connected to the operation of System 002.

Kingston Harbour, Jamaica, Barnes Gully barrier
Kingston Harbour, Jamaica, Barnes Gully barrier
System 002 in operation in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Governance of American Friends of The Ocean Cleanup, Foundation

American Friends of The Ocean Cleanup is an independent foundation established under the laws of Delaware and registered in the State of California. It is governed as a US 501(c)3 foundation and holds a public charity status described in IRC Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) to enable US donors to tax-efficiently support its mission. The Foundation’s sole member is Stichting The Ocean Cleanup.

The Foundation is managed by its Board of Directors. The Board may delegate the management of the activities of the Foundation to any other person, provided the activities and affairs of the Foundation are managed under the ultimate direction of the Board.

The members of the Board are not entitled to any remuneration. They are, however, entitled to ask for reimbursement of reasonable costs (such as travel expenses).

Stichting The Ocean Cleanup

For more information on the Dutch foundation, Stichting The Ocean Cleanup, and its affiliated companies, including its annual reports and foundation details click here. For general information on The Ocean Cleanup, we refer to the other website pages related to our mission, technology etcetera.


Boyan Slat CEO & Chairman
Joy Gao Treasurer
Carl van der Zandt Secretary and board member
Rob Parker Board member
Peter Schwartz Board member


You can donate to American Friends of The Ocean Cleanup via our website donation form on this Donation page by selecting USD as currency.

If you would like to donate with check or via wire transfer, you can find more details on this in the Donate page FAQs.

If you are interested in a partnership or making a large donation, please contact us through the general contact form.