Boyan Slat, CEO of The Ocean Cleanup, has been appointed as one of the board members of the ocean mission in the European Commission’s Horizon Europe program. The mission of the program is to incorporate research and innovation missions to increase the effectiveness of funding by pursuing clearly defined targets.
Rutger de Witt Wijnen, General Counsel at The Ocean Cleanup, who helped internally to facilitate this appointment, said, “The Ocean Cleanup is delighted that Boyan Slat has been selected to sit on a new European Commission’s board for healthy oceans, to be chaired by Pascal Lamy. This is one of several groups tasked with finding novel solutions to some of Europe (and the world’s) most pressing environmental and health challenges. Boyan looks forward to playing a full part in the group’s work as part of The Ocean Cleanup’s commitment to advancing innovation through collaborative working.”
You can read more about the program and its board members, here.