Our first large-scale ocean cleanup system, System 002, allowed us to reach proof of technology in October 2021. Following this validation, System 002 continued to harvest plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. These operations provided valuable insights into how we can improve system efficiency and mitigation measures, while the continuity of cleaning operations demonstrated that we are moving towards our efficiency targets and progressing our plan for scale-up. System 002 transitioned gradually into System 03, and the last trip of System 002 ended on 21 August 2023. All content below should be credited to The Ocean Cleanup.
Images (21)
Catch being sorted and stored on deck after the last trip of System 002. Next trip will be start of System 03. -
Catch being sorted and stored on deck after the last trip of System 002. Next trip will be start of System 03. -
System 002 deployed for testing in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch -
System 002 deployed for testing in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch -
System 002 extraction zone hauled on deck for emptying
Proof of Technology Announcement (2021) (10)
October 20, 2021: Boyan Slat sharing a few words during the Proof of Technology announcement for System 002, The Ocean Cleanup's ocean system. -
October 20, 2021: Boyan Slat during the Proof of Technology announcement for System 002, The Ocean Cleanup's ocean system. -
October 20: Some of the plastic caught during the System 002 test campaign (July - October) on board one of the Maersk support vessels. -
October 20: Boyan Slat watching the offshore crew return to shore with System 002 and the plastic harvested. A marine parade was held in celebration of the successful test campaign of System 002. -
October 20: Boyan Slat, CEO and Founder sharing a few words about the test campaign of System 002, how we got here and what the next steps are. System 002 has lead us to proof of technology, and after this short celebration, it will go back out to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to capture more plastic.