December 2024, article in a peer reviewed Journal
European Geosciences Union

Luca Kunz, Alexa Griesel , Carsten Eden, Rodrigo Duran and Bruno Sainte-Rose

  • Publication journal: European Geosciences Union
  • Publication type: Article in a peer reviewed Journal
  • Collaborators: The Ocean Cleanup, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Publication date: December 5, 2024
  • DOI: 10.5194/os-20-1611-2024


A major challenge for cleanup operations in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the daily prediction of plastic concentrations that allows identifying hotspots of marine debris. Lagrangian simulations of large particle ensembles are the method in use and effectively reproduce observed particle distributions at synoptic scales 𝒪(1000 km). However, they lose accuracy at operational scales 𝒪(1–10 km), and operators regularly experience differences between predicted and encountered debris accumulations within the garbage patch. In Lagrangian methods, it would be common to ask this question: where do objects go as they follow the current? Here, we take a different approach and instead ask this question: which locations attract material? The recently developed concept of Transient Attracting Profiles (TRAPs) provides answers because TRAPs uncover the most attracting regions of the flow. TRAPs are the attracting form of hyperbolic Objective Eulerian Coherent Structures and are computable from the instantaneous strain field on the ocean surface. They describe flow features which attract drifting objects and could facilitate offshore cleanups that are currently taking place in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. However, the concept remains unapplied since little is known about the persistence and attraction of these features, specifically within the Pacific. Therefore, we compute a 20-year dataset of daily TRAP detections from satellite-derived mesoscale velocities within the North Pacific subtropical gyre. We are the first to track these instantaneous flow features as they propagate through space and time. It allows us to study the life cycle of TRAPs, which can range from days to seasons and lasts an average of 6 d. We show how long-living TRAPs with lifetimes beyond 30 d intensify and weaken over their life cycle, and we demonstrate that the evolution stage of TRAPs affects the motion of nearby surface drifters. Our findings indicate that, at the mesoscale, operators in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch should search for long-living TRAPs that are at an advanced stage of their life cycle. These TRAPs are the most likely to induce a large-scale confluence of drifting objects and their streamlining into hyperbolic pathways. Such a streamlined bypass takes, on average, 5 d and creates an opportunity to filter the flow around TRAPs. But we also find TRAPs that retain material over multiple weeks where we suspect material clustering at the submesoscale. Prospective research could investigate this further by applying our algorithms to soon-available high-resolution observations of the flow. Our analysis contributes to a better understanding of TRAPs, which can even benefit other offshore operations besides ocean cleanups, such as optimal drifter deployment, oil spill containment, and humanitarian search and rescue.