Thank you for wanting to support the mission to rid the oceans of plastic!

For non-US donors: You can donate to our Dutch ANBI Foundation (Stichting The Ocean Cleanup) in with the following details:

EURO IBAN: NL73 ABNA 0529 4518 24

Account name: Stichting The Ocean Cleanup
Account holder address: Coolsingel 6, 3011 AD Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Bank Name: ABN AMRO Bank
Bank Address: Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1028PP Amsterdam, The Netherlands

For US donors: You can donate to American Friends of The Ocean Cleanup, a US 501(c)(3) foundation supporting the same mission. You can learn more about it here.

These are the details of that foundation:

JPMorgan Chase Bank
383 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017

ABA #: 021 000 021

Only in case you wire from outside the US please add the SWIFT address

SWIFT address: CHASUS33

Account Name: American Friends of The Ocean Cleanup, Foundation

Account #: 0000 0074 2271 452

If you would like a receipt for your donation, please email with your name/business name, address, email address, donation date and donation amount in order to provide your receipt. A tax receipt is only required for US federal & state tax purposes for donations of USD 250 or higher.