As we aim to help tackle the 1000 most polluting rivers, we cannot manage the local waste handling ourselves. There are many challenges to disposing of the waste as facilities and waste diversity vary from country to country; therefore, we implement solutions, in collaboration with partners and governments, according to the current and future waste management capacities of each deployment location. Meanwhile, we continue to investigate solutions to properly treat and dispose of the collected plastic waste in accordance with our internal waste management policy that are affordable, and compliant with local regulations and environmental and social standards. Recycling is preferred, and technical feasibility is being assessed.

Interceptors in operation are helping us to further improve how we approach the treatment and disposal of collected waste while also encouraging local stakeholders to address overall waste management practices and infrastructure.

To learn more about the waste management approach for Interceptors, check out our dedicated blog post on river waste management and see our Waste Management and Recycling page for a general overview.